Name: Mazurka Rezvaya
Birth date: 16.05.2006
Sex: female
Color: black
Sire: CH RUS, BLR, UKR, 3xCACIB Cherny
Monarch iz Razdolia
Dam: CH RUS Leicro's Russian Zolka
Owner: Nana Trubizina, Moscow,Russia
28.02.2011 New photo our Mazurka Rezvaya iz Razdolia.
Many thanks to Mazurka's owner - Nana Trubizina |
02/05/2009 Coursing competitions
,CACIL , Moscow ,Russia.
Mazurka Rezvaya iz Razdolia - 2-d place,R.CACIL.
Our BEST CONGRATULATIONS to their owners !!! |
25.05.2008 The largest exhibition
of National Borzoi Club .Russia,Moscow.
185 borzois have been written down.
Judge: Nikitin A.(Russia)
We are very happy with big success of the results of borzois from
kennel "Iz Razdolia" and our male's children.
Mazurka Rezvaya iz Razdolia was EXC/4 in Working Class.
Our BEST CONGRATULATIONS to their owners!!! |
2.05.2008 International Coursing,CACIL, St.-Petersburg
Judges:B. Michael Rahms (Germany),Emeljanova V,Poljakova G,Egorova
- Milij iz Razdolia has
get CACIL ,has won runnings the dogs, 1-place.
- Mazurka Rezvaja iz Razdolia - 3-place, CC
- Rusich Tsaritsa Otrada (our grand daughter)-R.CACIL
- 2-place
Our BEST CONGRATULATIONS to their owner - Parishenko Ekaterina
and Trubizina Nana!!!
We are so proud of you and we wish successes !
09.02.2008 We are
very happy with big success of the Shows's results of our young
Mazurka Rezvaya iz Razdolia.
Mazurka has get 4xCAC and it becomes fast the Champion of
We wish our Mazurka Rezvaya success . Our BEST
CONGRATULATIONS to Mazurka's owner Nana Trubizina!!!
Well done! We are so proud of you. |
Our Mazurka Rezvaja iz Razdolia has became new
Junior Russian Champion on race and lure coursing Junior
to her owner Nana Trubizina! We are so proud of you. |
9 months |
6 months |
6 months |
5.5 weeks |
5.5 weeks |
3.5 weeks |
3.5 weeks |
3.5 weeks |
2 weeks |
2 weeks |